From the time your children start school until they go to middle school or high school, you are presented with cards, gifts, art, crafts … for every occasion. I used to save everything – in plastic tubs, large mailing envelopes, shoe boxes, etc. Eventually, I was feeling overwhelmed by the pile that was developing in the attic – AND, I never looked at the stuff again!
I noticed, as my own children got older, that simple handwriting samples from years gone by, small keepsakes and sweet handmade cards are easy to store away and peek at from time to time – and that those were the things that my own mother had kept - for a LONG time!
When you know that a child spent time, talent and energy putting a little bit of themselves into a project, you value it more than a pre-cut, purchased craft or something that was primarily done by an adult helper - so, keep that in mind when choosing your Mother’s Day projects!
Think of a few past projects that ended up being “keepers”! Teach your children about giving – simple gifts are lovely– and don’t forget about yourself! Trade children with a friend or have another loved one work with your child to make a gift for you – it’s important that they learn about showing love and appreciation J
Mother's Day Bookmarks
Draw, paint, collage – a “Portrait of my mom”: Use whatever materials you want to make a whole-person drawing or a face, adding details like eye color and hair style, and see where it goes! It will no doubt be adorable! Add dictated information, such as a fill-in-the-blanks information sheet:
My mom is pretty when she ___________________.
I love it when my mom ____________________________.
My mom always says, “_______________________________”.
You can attach it to a decorated frame or bind it all into a card format, folding over a large piece of construction paper! Some of the answers are hilarious … some adorable! Have fun with it!
Stay tuned for part two: more gifts to come ...
Stay tuned for part two: more gifts to come ...
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